   Mediocre Leaving Cert Notes   
 Irish  English  Geography  Business  French  Music 


Géibheann is téama don dán (captivity is the theme of the poem)

Tá an t-ainmhí sa sú agus is príosún é dó (the animal is in a zoo and it’s a prison for it)

Tá ainmhí lag leisciúil gan fuinneamh i bpríosún (the weak, lazy animal is without energy in prison)

Usáidtear na híomhánna láidre ann faoi shaol an ainmhí chun an téama léiriú go cruinn láidir (strong images about the life of the animal are used here to accurately reflect the strong theme)

Is iad seo na híomhanna is láidre sa dán; tíogar fiáin, guth láidir, saol fiáin saor ag an ainmhí, teochrasa, ag screadaíl sa choill, é i bpríosún sa sú go lag agus na daoine ag féachaint air (these are the strongest images in the poem…)

Cruthaítear an téama go láidir éifeachtach leis na híomhánna thuasluaite (the strong theme is created effectively with the abovementioned images)

Feidhmíonn stíl simplí ghonta anseo (a simple, terse style operates here)

Is tíogar atá i gceist agus tá sé fiáin (a tiger is in question and he is wild)

Tá guth láidir aige agus bhí sé go hálainn (he has a strong voice and he was beautiful)

Bhí saol fiáin saor ag an ainmhí sna teochrasa (the animal’s wild, free life was in the tropics)

Bhíodh sé ag screadaíl sa choill (he would be screaming in the woods)

Nochtar an t-ainmhí go lom gonta (the animal is concisely shown to be bare)

Bhí sé saor sona agus sásta (he was free, happy, and content)

Oireann an friotal beacht simplí leis an téama (the precise, simple language fits in with the theme)

Anois tá sé i bpríosún sa sú, go lag (now he is in prison, weak)

Tagann na daoine chun féachaint air gach lá (people come to watch him every day)

Níl siad sásta an tíogar a ligint amach ach dhéanfaidh siad rud ar bith eile dó (they are not happy to let the tiger out but they will do anything else for him)

Léirítear an t-ainmhí sa dara chuid den dán go soiléir cumhachtach anseo, i gcodarsnacht chumasach chruinn leis an chéad chuid den dán (the animal is clearly and powerfully shown in the second part of the poem, in tremendous contrast to the first part of the poem)

Úsáidtear athrá sa chéad chuid den dán; úsaidtear ‘ainmhí’ faoi dhó (repetition is used in the first part of the poem; ‘ainmhí’ is used twice)

Cuirtear béim ar chúis an dáin anseo (emphasis is placed on the poem’s point here)

Tá tionchar ar leith ag an athrá ar an léitheoir (the repetition has a particular impact on the reader)

Dá réir táispéantar an téama gan débhrí (accordingly the theme is shown without ambiguity)

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