   Mediocre Leaving Cert Notes   
 Irish  English  Geography  Business  French  Music 

An Spáilpín Fánach

Bochtanas is téama don dán (poverty is the theme of the poem)

Tá saol crua ag na spailpíní ag iarraidh obair a fháil ó na feirmeoirí (it is a hard life for the spalpeens trying to get work from the farmers)

Téann an fear sa dán go dtí margadh híreála ar fud na tíre ag lorg oibre (the man in the poem goes to hiring fairs across the country looking for work)

Tá currach ag teacht i dtír chomh maith (a currach was coming inland too)

Tá radharcanna le feiceáil agus fuaimeanna le cloisteáil (there are sights to be seen and sounds to be heard)

Is léir gur fear bocht é (it is clear that he is a poor man)

Tá íomhánna láidre ann faoi shaol an fhir (there are strong images about the life of the man)

Úsáidtear na híomhánna chun an téama léiriú go cruinn láidir (the images are used to accurately reflect the theme)

Is iad seo na híomháinn is láidre sa dán; ag siúl ar maidin, ar mhargadh cois balla, bodairí ar a gcapaill (these are the strongest images in the poem…)

Cruthaítear an téama go láidir éifeachtach leis na híomhánna thuasluaite (the strong theme is created effectively with the abovementioned images)

Feidhmíonn stíl simplí an amhráin anseo (a simple ballad style is found here)

Usáideann an file friotal simplí faoi saol an fhir (the poet uses simple language about the life of man)

Léirítear an spailpín sa dara chuid den dán go soiléir cumhachtach anseo, i gcodarsnacht chumasach chruinn leis na bodairí san chéad chuid den dán (the spalpeen is clearly and powerfully shown in the second part of the poem, in tremendous contrast to the lords in the second part of the poem)

Is iad brón, uaigneas agus trua na mothúcháin sa dán seo (sadness, loneliness, and sympathy are the feelings in this poem)

Oireann an friotal simplí leis an mothúchán brónach (the simple language fits in with the sad feeling)

Úsáidtear athrá sa dán freisin; úsaidtear ‘spailpín fánach’ faoi thrí (repetition is also used in the poem; ‘san earrach thiar’ is used three times)

Cuirtear béim ar chúis an dáin anseo (emphasis is placed on the poem’s point here)

Tá tionchar ar leith ag an athrá ar an léitheoir (the repetition has a particular impact on the reader)

Dá réir táispéantar an téama le friotal fuar gonta gan débhrí (accordingly the theme is unambiguously shown with cold terse language)

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